Your friendly guide to stress-free studies

Place an order and let experts do your homework. Our professionals only need a minimum of three hours to deliver a top-notch job. Delegate the work to our homework service and gain time for the things you love!

Selection Process Insights: How We Hire The Best Experts For Our Homeworks Site

We believe that one must possess a mixture of qualifications and certain personality traits to be suitable for homework service. For this reason, we have a rigorous selection process to ensure that our team consists of the best professionals who have a vested interest in providing online homework help. Here are the three selection stages that each of our professionals has gone through.

ID verification

While our customers remain anonymous, our authors are subjected to strict identity checks. This is the only way we can ensure that their credentials and qualifications are relevant and trustworthy.

Diploma checks

After verifying the identity of a writer, our next concern is that they have the necessary qualifications to provide you with the best homework. A thorough diploma check will help us do just that!

Portfolio analysis

In addition to a university degree, our experts must have relevant experience and be able to show their academic work. A review of their portfolios is therefore a must because we want to be sure that the candidate is perfect for the job and willing to do homework for money.

Writing test

The cornerstone of the selection process is the written test, which allows us to assess an applicant's language skills. It also helps us check how well the candidate is familiar with various citation styles and other aspects of academic writing. Those who pass the test become part of our team of experts, and it is thanks to them that we do your homework quickly and correctly.

Curious Stats

# Number of orders our homework website handles daily420+
Satisfaction rate according to our internal surveys98.9%
The average time it takes our expert to write a 5-page essay is3 hours
3 hours
# Number of support managers who are available 24/7 throughout the year50
# Number of writers with one or more master’s degrees750
Years in homework support our professionals have an average of5+